Write down your opinions!Tove Jansson,
Finn Family Moomintroll, Sunburst edition, 1990
(...) He (Moomintroll) waited until he was afraid they would get bored with the search, and then he crept out of the hat, stuck his head through the door and said: "Look at me!"
Sniff stared at him for a long time, then he said rather unkindly: "Look at yourself!"
"Who's that?" whispered the Snork, but the others only shook their heads and continued to stare at Moomintroll.
Poor little chap! He had been turned into a very strange animal indeed under the Hobgoblin's Hat. All his fat parts had become thin, and everything that was small had grown big. And the strangest thing about it was that he himself didn't realize what was the mater.
"I thought I'd surprise you all", he said taking an uncertain step forward on his long, spindly legs. "You've no idea where I've been!"
"It doesn't interest us", said the Snork, "but you're certainly ugly enough to surprise anybody".
"You are unkind", said Moomintroll sadly. "I suppose you got tired of hunting. What shall we do now?"
"First of all perhaps you should introduce yourself", said the Snork Maiden, stiffy. "We don't know who you are, do we?"
Moomintrollloked at her increduloudly, but then it dawned on him that perhaps this was a new game. He laughted delightedly and said: "I'm the King of California!"
"And I'm the Snork Maiden", said the Snork Maiden. "This is my brother."
"I'm called Sniff", said Sniff.
"I'm Snufkin", said Snufkin.
"Oh, dear! How boring you all are", said Moomintroll. "Couldn't you have thought of something more original! Now let's go out - I think the weather's clearing". And he went down the steps into the garden, followed by a rather surprised and suspicious little trio.
"Who's that?" asked the Hemulen, who was sitting in front of the house counting the stamens of a sunflower.
"It's the King of California, I think", said the Snork Maiden.
"Is he going to live here?" asked the Hemulen.
"That's for Moomintroll to decide", said Sniff. "I wonder where he's got to."
"Do you know him?" asked Snufkin.
"Ye-es", said Moomintroll. "Rather well as a matter of fackt." He was thoroughly enjoying the new game and thought he was doing rather well at it.
"How did you come to know him?" asked the Snork Maiden. "We were born at the same time", saind Moomintroll, still bursting with laughter. "But he's an impossible fellow, you know! You sumply can't have him in the house!"
"How dare you talk about Moomintroll like that!" said the Snork Maiden, fiercely. "He's the best Moomin in the world, and we think a great deal of him."
This was almost too much for Moomintroll. "Really?" he said. "Personally I think he's an absolute pest."
Then the Snork Maiden began to cry.
"Go away!" said the Snork to Moomintroll. "Otherwise we shall have to sit on your head."
"All right, all right", Moomintroll said, soothingly. "It's only a game, isn't it? I'm awfully glad you think so much of me."
"But we don't", screamed Sniff, shrilly. "Take away this ugly king who runs down our Moomitroll."
And they threw themselves onto poor Moomintroll. He was much too surprised to defend himself, and when he began to get angry it was too late. So when Moominmamma came out on the steps he was lying underneath a large pil of flailing paws and tails.
"What are you doing there, children?" she cried. "Stop fighting at once!"
"They're walloping the King of California", sniffed the Snork Maiden. "And it serves him right."
Moomintroll crawled out of the scrum, tired out and angry.
"Mother", he cried. "They started it. Three against one! It's not fair!"
"I quite agree", said Moominmamma seriously. "However, I expect you had teased them. But who are you, my little beast?"
"Oh, please stop this awful game", wailed Moomintroll. "It isn't funny any more. I am Moomintroll, and you are my Mother. And that's that!"
"You aren't Moomintroll", said the Snork Maiden, scornfully. "He has beautiful little ears, but yours look like kettle-holders!"
Moomintroll felt quite confused and took hold of a pair of enormous crinkly ears. "But I am Moomintroll!" he burst out in despair. "Don't you believe me?"
"Moomintroll has a nice little tail, just about the right size, but yours is like a chimney sweep's brush" said the Snork.
And, oh, dear, it was true! Moomintroll felt behind him with a trembling paw.
"Your eyes are like soup-plates", said Sniff. "Moomintroll's are small and kind!"
"Yes, exactly", Snufkin agreed.
"You are impostor!" decided the Hemulen.
"Isn't there anyone who believes me?" Moomintroll pleaded. "Look carefully at me, mother. You must know your onw Moomintroll."
The set of questions for case analysis - Answers - case analysisThe classification of facts and the definition of the problem:-What happened in the above mentioned fragment of the book?
-What conflict is here?
-Why did the conflict occur?
-Why did Moomintroll behave in that way?
-How did Moomintroll feel in this situation?
Enumerate all feelings in order. Searching for solutions and opinion about them: -What are the possible ways of solving the conflict?
-What is the base of the opinion (criterion), what solutions are the best?
-What decision can you make based on this criterion?
-Which values (the most important for you) are used?
Expectation of after-effects:-What kinds of after-effects can occur after decision you have made?
-Which of these after-effects are consistent with your values or which come into conflict with your values?
-What is your reaction to this conflict?
Using the solutions in reality: -
Taking into consideration your analysis so far, how will you behave in above mentioned situation? (Let’s negotiate your opinions and write down your shared opinions) -
Why will you behave in that way?